How would you like to leverage the massive traffic of Amazon to build your email list?
Amazon is the world’s largest product search engine with…
• 304 Million Active Users
• 192 million unique monthly visitors
• $107 Billion net sales in 2015
The key to building your list as fast as possible through Amazon is to publish FREE content. Just imagine thousands of people downloading your content for free, and then opting into your list to get MORE great content.
What’s that?
You think you can’t publish free content on Amazon?
If you listen to Amazon, you’re right. They’re going to tell you no, you can’t publish for free and you have to charge a minimum of 99 cents for your content in Kindle form.
However, that’s not the whole story. If you know the secret, you can in fact reach Amazon’s massive audience quickly and easily for free.
And you don’t need to be a professional author, either, to do this.
You’re going to publish a book that is permanently free. Yes, permanently free.
One you have your content ready to go, you’re going to place an advertisement inside your book. This advertisement will be hyperlinked to a lead capture page with a lead magnet.
When the viewer clicks on the ad, they are taken to the lead capture page.
Duplicate this ad and place it in your book twice – once at the beginning and once at the end.
Your next step is to head over to Amazon and publish your book for 99 cents.
So far this all sounds pretty standard, right?
Hold on to your hat, because here’s where it gets weird.
List your book as free and pick your platforms: Apple, B&N, etc.
But, do NOT do the Kindle publishing option.
Here’s the key – are you ready?
Once you’ve published to Draft2Digital, you’re going to go back to your Amazon KDP dashboard and ask Amazon to price match your book.
Once Amazon does this, your book will be FREE on Amazon.
Ha! And it wasn’t even hard to do, was it? In fact, the entire process was pretty darn easy.
Now that your book is FREE on Amazon, you should begin making ‘sales.’
After all, who doesn’t want your great book (it is great, right?) for free?
You’re now going to tap into the massive traffic and buyers of these publishing platforms, like Amazon, Apple, Scribd, etc.
You’re going to let them do all of the work of getting eyes on your content.
Which then brings those folks to your squeeze page, where you sign them up to get MORE great content like the free book they just got.
And don’t forget to put a low end offer after the free opt-in. Charge $7 for an awesome content upgrade, and you’ll be building your list AND making money with NO advertising cost.
Plus, you’re beginning to build your list of paying customers, which is even BETTER than your ever-growing list of folks who read your book.
Using this method, you’ll get massive traffic, downloads and oodles of subscribers from the world’s largest publishing platforms.
These are targeted subscribers and buyers, hungry for what you have to offer.
A few tips:
Make it a goal to have your first free book on Amazon within 14 days and start building your list the free way.